Tuesday, July 29, 2008

"Always clean out your hair brushes"

Mami always told me that. Good hygiene, right? But I never did that. Before you say "ew!", hear me out, I always bought new brushes. If a brush was getting old or full of hair, I'd just put it to the side and tell mom or dad I need a new one. I'd have countless numbers of congruent brushes. The old brushes would just stand by and watch as I used the new brush. Occasionally, if I couldn't find the new brush, I'd use an older one, but not for long. Sometimes, I'd lose a brush in the clutter and rush of my room. Eventually, when I'd clean up my room I'd find the old brush and put it right on the counter with all of the other brushes, new and old.

Recently, I found that I have over a dozen brushes and I use them all when I can't find my newest one. I decided to clean them ALL off and I saw that I never let them get messed up before I throw them to the side. That's when I realize, I treat my love life like I treat my brushes. I never deal with problems that bother me, I just simply replace the person I'm having problems with with a new person. I don't even tell the person I'm talking to that I'm thinking of moving on, I just do it. You know how all relationships or "special friendships" start off all bubbly and sweet, but eventually just go down hill. Once I feel the slightest loss of butterflies, I get bored, I move on. I don't ever deal with the mess I make. I don't even take the other person's feelings into consideration either, I do the same things and show the same displays of affection. Don't get me wrong, sometimes the guys deserve it, you guys are too shady, but there were a few times where I could and may have broken a heart.

There were the guys who played so much games with me that I decided to find someone else knowing that from them I'd find someone else. My biggest flaw is my need for companionship, so if I'm not getting it from one source I'm sure to find a new one and quick. There were the guys who, like my brushes, would get lost in the rush and clutter of my life. Those were the kind who felt as though they'd always have you there because you'd keep on coming back. I'm guilty of this, I'm sure almost every women has been once or twice in their lifetime. Those guys never get thrown out, they're just idle along the side of your mind waiting to pounce on you when your most vulnerable. They don't want you when they have you, but when they can't you are such a treasure. Your not valuable enough to ride shotgun, just valuable enough to grasp tightly on the roof of the car.

The great thing about new guys is how they make you feel, at first. This explains the name of my blog. Men have great, great "G" or "game" to run on you. They all claim they're being real, they all claim they won't change, and they all claim that you are or will be very important in their life. Then reality throws a cold bucket of water on you and you wake up. That's when you need a new one to feed you the lies you hear over and over again. Hey, it's enjoyable for the moment.

Anyway, so today I thought to myself, "What if I said I think I'm going to throw away all my brushes and settle down with just one good, loyal brush? The one that really gets my kinks out on bad hair days. I'm going to clean that brush, take good care of it, and ride it out until it may eventually need replacing. What's the worst that could happen? I need to buy a new brush? Honey, I was waisting to much time and money looking for new brushes all the time in the first place."


obzy.obzorn said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, That was a really good piece of writing.