Saturday, August 2, 2008

because this is beyond real.

and i guess its so much better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, i know thats some easy shit to say but im still going to try to live by it, i'm still gonna try to put my faith to rest in it, i will sleep on dry pillows now, in a bed big enough to love myself in, i will awake these coming mornings with my eyes dry and shining full of the knowledge that i am priceless and worth nothing but honesty, i will remove this scarlet letter from my chest and take the hand of the little girl i used to be and say i'm sorry to her, i'm sorry for cheating you out of the joy you have always deserved, and i will wait for a man to come along that can give me the truth of how much he can really love me.

- "to all the boys i have ever loved before" Mayda De Valle
(Def poetry jam)

You can't find a video of this anywhere anymore so I really wish I had written down all the words so you could understand the full extent of how hair raising this poem was. Even the words aren't enough though, it was the way she recited this poem that made it spectacular. To the people who were and are fortunate enough to see her perform this, I know you can agree with me on that. To the people who were less fortunate, maybe one day I'll find it and post it.

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